

In order to create a buffer from the road, a small garden has been designed in the front. This pushes the living spaces behind allowing a blissful view of the garden from interiors. The placement of the garden, does dual benefits of allowing filtered sunlight to illuminate the interiors and cuts down the vehicular noise. The story of the house starts as one enters through a short flight of external stairs and lands into a living room defined in elegant tones. The living room is a cozy space receiving natural light from the garden and a small internal court. To imbibe the essence of ‘home’ in the built volume, integration of an open to sky internal court does wonders. It improves the mood of the space, by inviting natural light and air that keeps the spaces pleasant.

Thus, the historically significant space of courtyard has been adopted in this home and the rest of the spaces are planned around it. This double height court placed on the east, dissolves the aesthetics of traditional charm in the contemporarily designed house. An intricately crafted screen displaying varying jharohka patterns, instantly reminds one of the traditional Indian homes and forts. A waterbody here, enhances the look and feel of the space. The court is protected by a sun roof that enables the user to secure the space from varying seasons. The dining room set opposite to this court is a certain to create a refreshing experience daily.

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Indux Co
10th April, 2019
Indux Co